Understanding Hair Loss in Women

Did you know that certain amount of hair fall is normal?

Everyday women experience a hair fall of around 50 to 100 strands and it is absolutely normal. Losing about 50 to 100 strands does not make much of difference to the hair volume which consists of about 100,000 or more hair follicles. Only when women experience abnormal excessive hair fall it may lead to hair loss and hair thinning resulting into an appearance of reduced hairline or bald patches. Let us understand in detail the hair loss and hair thinning causes in females:

  • Aging: Certain women older than 40 years start experiencing hair thinning and hair loss. Women around age of 60 to 70 also experience bald patches, most commonly know as female pattern baldness, and also experience loss of eyebrows. Hair restoration treatments for women can help reverse hair loss and restore eyebrows.
  • Hormones and hair loss: Any hormonal changes in females vastly influence the hair lifecycle. Pregnancy, menopause, certain medications that causes fluctuations in hormones can also lead to hair loss. Stress also cause imbalance in female hormones and easily result in to hair loss. While at times the hormonal imbalance is temporary, sometime you need additional medication to ensure hormonal balance and reverse hair loss. Consult a hair specialist and do not self-medicate yourself.
  • Medical conditions and medications: Hair loss is one of the side effects of chemotherapy. Thyroid imbalance can also lead to hair loss. Certain auto immune diseases also lead to hair loss.
  • Hair Care and nourishment: Our hair needs proper care and maintenance. Certain styling products and styling treatments hamper the growth of hair follicles and further damages the scalp. Continual usage of chemical filled styling products will cause hair thinning and eventually lead to severe hair loss. Diet also plays a crucial role in providing sufficient nutrition to our hair. Proper intake of vitamins, proteins, water, and balanced diet aids in maintaining healthy hair volume.
  • Hereditary Hair loss: Another term for hair loss due to genetics is androgenetic alopecia. There is no certain age for the onset of androgenetic alopecia but with timely and right treatment it can be treated. Now that we know the causes of hair loss, let us focus on female hair loss treatments. Vplant Hair Clinic offers non-surgical hair replacement treatment for ladies. The advanced hair loss treatments available in Vplant Hair Clinic can help reverse excessive hair loss cases. This clinic offers highly successful genetic hair loss treatments and conducts successful hairline restoration. Visit https://vplanthairclinics.com/ to know more about exclusive treatments with never seen before positive results. Contact: +91 9811516411/ +91 8448444713.


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