Preparation Before Going For Hair Transplant

Preparation before going for Hair Transplant 


Medical technology has become highly advanced. Hair Transplant technology is a very safe cosmetic procedure with low risks. To make hair transplant procedures as smooth as possible, it is essential to prepare yourself before the surgery. 

Before you go for a hair transplant surgery, you may be given a set of instructions by your surgeon, which you need to follow. The instructions may vary according to the type of hair transplant but whatever the form of hair transplant, they must adhere to some standard preparation instructions 


General preparation guide before hair transplant 


It is important to follow these guidelines before having a hair transplant surgery:


· It would help if you stopped smoking 24 hours before hair transplant surgery. Smoking can affect the wound healing process and delay recovery. 

· One should abstain from consuming alcohol and tobacco one week before surgery. 

· Do not have any hair cut before the surgery. It is essential to grow the donor area for having enough hair for hair transplants. 

· Massage the scalp one month or two weeks prior to surgery. Massage should be done for at least 10 minutes every day to soften the skin and improve skin tone before hair transplant surgery. It also aids in improving blood circulation. 

· You may need to take antibiotics before surgery to prevent the risk of infection. You may also be advised to apply medications such as Minoxidil on the bald patches of the scalp. Antibiotics are also prescribed post hair transplant surgery. 

· If you are above the age of 45 years old, then you may need to undergo an ECG test and blood tests. It would be best if you stop taking aspirin or any anti-inflammatory medicines two weeks before surgery. Anti-depressants, beta-blockers, and blood-thinning drugs should be avoided two weeks before hair transplant surgery. 


While hair transplant may seem to be a complicated procedure, it is a simple process. You need to prepare yourself well before hair transplant surgery as instructed by the surgeon to increase the chances of getting successful results. It is also essential to follow these preparation instructions before a hair transplant surgery, to ensure that the surgery goes more smoothly. 


If you are looking for an effective hair transplant procedure, VplantHair Clinic provides the best hair transplant in Kochi, Kerala, and Mumbai. You can contact our specialist for any queries like hair fall treatment, hair transplant, hair implantation, and other hair related issues.  



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