Essential Things to Know Before You Go For a Moustache Transplant

Men are very much concerned about their looks and want to sport a perfect thick moustache. Most men associate the idea of masculinity with a full beard and mustache. Some men have an excellent spurt of facial hair while some cannot grow a mustache or beard die for various reasons. If you have less hair in the moustache line, you can consider mustache transplantation. Usually, an FUE technique is used for a mustache transplant. Let us explore some important aspects of the procedure before you feel going in for a moustache transplant: 

Good Candidates for Moustache Transplantation

The following men are usually suitable for a mustache transplant: 

  • Men who desire a natural-looking and thick mustache 
  • Men who have a patchy or sparse moustache growth 
  • Men who have lost facial hair due to allergies, surgeries, or accidental traumas. 

How to Prepare For moustache Transplant 

– Meet Your Hair transplant doctor

Book several appointments with your doctor before you opt for a moustache hair transplant, to clear all your doubts before you go for a moustache hair transplant. 

– Avoid alcohol

Avoid the consumption of alcohol days before the surgery. If a large amount of toxin is already present in your body, the anaesthesia might cease to work.

– Grow Your Hair

Avoid trimming your facial hair before transplant, especially on the back of your scalp. The reason is that the back of the scalp is usually the donor region for a moustache transplant. 

– Avoid Smoking

Nicotine present in smoking has adverse effects on the skin also slows down the process of healing. 

– Avoid Blood Thinners

It is essential to stop taking blood thinners before the transplant to avoid any complications. 

– Medical Tests

Though a moustache transplant is a minor surgery, it is necessary to go through medical tests and assessment with your doctor for better understanding. 

– Know Your Allergies

It is necessary to know your allergies and avoid them as much as possible. If you develop infections due to allergies, it can lead to a lot of complications. 

The mustache transplant is less popular than other facial hair transplants. However, the reason being that people are less aware of such a procedure. If you desire a full mustache, you can contact Vplant Clinics for restoring hair on your mustache line.

We have the best team of transplant surgeons to achieve your desirable and satisfactory results. 


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